Articles about our services

Income from real estate rent. Optimization and tax benefits
Do you plan to rent your apartment/house out but still have concerns regarding taxes? Then this material is exactly what you need. In this article, we will describe such a type of rental property, when an apartment owner rents it out as an individual without opening a business license. First, let’s turn to the tax...

Cryptocurrencies and taxes in the Czech Republic
Tax policy of the Czech Republic regarding cryptocurrencies, mining cryptocurrencies and selling merchandise and services for cryptocurrencies. All the mentioned points are described in this article. Methodological introduction. The concept of «cryptocurrency» Currently, there are more than 1000 virtual or digital «currencies» also called cryprocurrencies (“kryptoměny (KM)” in Czech) in the world. The most popular ones...

Minimum wages according to professions
Minimum wages in the Czech Republic were increased to 12 200 CZK in 2018. An increase in this value naturally leads to an increase in minimum possible deductions for medical insurance. They are equal 1647 korunas now. Even if an employee works under the contract on a part-time employment and earns 2000 or 3000 korunas...

Children tax benefits in Czechia
This is about tax benefits for children and changes in providing the tax bonus. This important news was introduced by the Czech Ministry of Finance along with the revised Law on State Social Support. It means that parents will be able to save on income taxes in 2018 more than they did in the previous...

Great news for the parents of preschool children!
The maximum tax benefit that can be used by parents whose children attend preschool institutions in 2017 was increased to 1100 korunas for each child. The maximum discount in 2017 was 11 000 korunas, comparing to 9900 korunas available for taxpayers in 2016. When completing the Declaration on Income Tax from the Population for 2017...

Expat explorer new report: Czechia Is #1 Country for Work Abroad
The Czech Republic in numbers: 87% of foreigners moved here for work or business are «generally satisfied», country ranks high in the Job Security, Work-Life Balance and Career Options sub-categories. Please see a full report here:

Starting a business in the Czech Republic
Are you thinking about starting a business in Czechia, country ranked #1 expats destination in EU, stable, safe and economically growing? Here’s our special material on this topic:

Legal address of a company or sole proprietorship in Czechia
Basic business registration item — legal address, why it’s needed and where to get it:

Changing registration details in your company in Czechia
You have a new business partner? Your legal address changed? Please read following information about how to make typical changes in registration details of your company:

Closing or pausing your business in Czechia
What are your options if you decide to pause or stop your business activities in Czech Republic? Please check our material here:

Outsourcing VS full-time accountant
You run a small or medium size business? You want to reduce your operating costs? You want accounting services of high quality for reasonable money? Then this article is for you. Do you know why today’s companies prefer outsourcing rather than a full-time accountant? Let’s figure that out! Outsourcing is the transfer of some functions...

Opening of a personal bank account in the Czech Republic
For whom You are EU citizen or you have a financial connection to Czechia like job contract with local company, you pay or receive rent here, you are registered as a Czech Sole Trader You need to save money on transfers from account to account within the EU? You need a reliable bank with guarantees...